Editing your headers

Changing your headers


Last Update há 3 anos

The header editing on PoliEngine is designed to be as simple as possible, to let you style your sites header exactly as you'd like in a quick and intuitive way.

By putting your mouse over the header you are shown a number of options. Here are what each option does:

1.) The header settings. This will bring up a number of settings that can be chosen, which we go over in more detail below.

2.) "Hide" will hide the main navigation for your page but only on that specific page. It will not hide the "Fixed" navigation if that is selected.

3.) Is your logo. Only one logo is allowed for each header and can either be a photo logo or a typed logo.

4.) These smaller + symbols are what allow you to add any of the 10 header widgets to your header. They will go into either the left, right, or middle columns of the menu. Once a widget is selected it can be moved around to be beside other widgets or into other columns.

5.) Allows you to shift the distance between widgets in the same column by dragging the turqoise line out, to give space between widgets.

6.) Adds a new row to the header, to allow buttons or other sections of the header. 

Header Settings Options

By clicking the gear on the left-hand side of your header you bring up the header settings. The header settings allow you to do a couple of key things to style your menu.

1.) Header layout allows you to choose between 5 different layout options, the first 3 being top headers of varying sizes and the last 2 being lefthand menu and righthand menu.

2.) Header background is self explanatory, wherein you select a color for the background. This can be a solid color or a varying level of transparency. If you want a transparent background we suggest selecting 4.) "Place header on top of content"

3.) Add bottom border adds a small border line at the bottom of the header.

4.) Places the header on top of the content of your website. This is important if you want a transparent header that blends in with the rest of the site. If not, this can be complicated as you will need to make your content bigger to make up the difference.

5.) Creates a "fixed" header that follows the user across the page as they scroll.

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